Time & Location
Mar 22, 2024, 11:00 PM – Mar 23, 2024, 4:00 AM
Ai 夜店, 110台湾台北市信義區松壽路12號7F
About the event
3/22(Fri) 九州福岡躍上國際的 DJ製作人Qwerty ft. iBiza Fukuoka
與Julian Jordan、Lucas & Steve、Kaaze和Third Party 日本巡演同台演出並在藝術、時尚和表演界各領域都享有極高聲譽的DJ製作人
Artist Qwerty is a DJ/producer based in Fukuoka, Japan and overseas.
currently the resident Dj of Fukuoka's No. 1 nightclubs "Ibiza FUKUOKA" performing high level Djing every day. Performed with Julian Jordan, Lucas & Steve , Kaaze and Third Party at their Japan tour in Fukuoka. He is one of the few ARTIST DJs and producers in Fukuoka.who has gained a great reputation from various fields including ART, FASHON, and PERFORMANCE that transcends the DJ thing.
入場出示Ai 官方LINE享會員專屬優惠
Official LINE: @aicoke
WeChat: yowdee